Behaviour, Attendance & Welfare

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The safety of our pupils is of paramount importance to everything we do at school and the Behaviour Management Policy is one of a suite of policies at Thomas Bewick School relating to the safeguarding of pupils.

Thomas Bewick School aims to provide pupils with a high quality of education in a caring, supportive and ordered environment which will help to prepare and encourage all pupils to fully participate in their home, school and community.

Good behaviour management is seen as an important part of the curriculum. It is essential for effective teaching and learning and is needed to encourage good engagement and behaviour from pupils. It is also needed to maintain a safe, calm and orderly environment and a positive atmosphere the school.

Our approach to behaviour is underpinned by the following principles from Paul Dix’s book ‘When the Adults Change Everything Changes’ these are:

  • Visible consistency and visible kindness
  • Deliberate ‘botheredness’
  • Certainty in adult behaviour

We aim:

  • To create a safe and secure environment for pupils and staff in which the rights of all are acknowledged and respected
  • To create a positive learning environment in which the attitudes and actions of the pupils are reflected in the effectiveness of teaching and learning
  • To provide a well organised, planned and sequenced curriculum with a range of opportunities to promote good behaviour and attitudes from pupils
  • To foster mutual respect and to support pupils to develop confidence, pride and self esteem
  • To achieve a positive philosophy of behaviour and to ensure a consistent whole school approach to behaviour management
  • To work together with parents/carers and multi-agency professionals to ensure best practice in relation to behaviour management
  • To ensure that effective systems and processes are in place to support behaviour management

For further information please see our policy at the bottom of the page.

Attendance and Punctuality

At Thomas Bewick School, we recognise the importance of our pupils attending school on a daily basis, not only in raising their attainment but also on their sense of wellbeing and community. We are very mindful, that due to the complex needs of our pupils, there are many factors which may affect a pupil’s attendance. Due to this, we have developed an ethos which considers each pupil’s and families individual circumstances, ensuring that we provide the strategies and support which encourage a positive attitude of regular and punctual attendance. We aim to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available.

Attendance and Punctuality page