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Assessment, Progress and Achievement

Across the year we collect a lot of information and data about each one of our pupils and students, to help us understand the academic and developmental progress they are making. 

When it comes to assessment we take a holistic view of each child or young person, as we understand and respect that progress can look very different for each of them due to their individual needs, abilities and starting points. There are lots of factors that can affect a child or young person’s learning so we are careful to take these things into account when analysing and forming a view on the progress each of them make.  

All pupils and students at Thomas Bewick School have an Individual Progress Plan (IPP) which is informed by the aims and outcomes identified in their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP).  IPP targets help teachers to personalise the learning journey for each of their pupils and students, so that we are focusing on the right things at the right time.  The progress made against each target in an IPP is monitored closely by the class teacher and classroom support team.  This monitoring feeds into a termly review, where targets may be changed or adapted if needed.  

We use a range of assessment frameworks and have created a different data capture sheet for each of our curriculum pathways to reflect this.  This helps us to collect, collate and analyse a range of data and information about each pupil or student.  Our ‘pathway specific’ approach to assessment ensures that we are collecting relevant data and information that will help to inform teacher planning, so that next steps in learning are accurately planned for each pupil or student. 

A ‘data capture’ is carried out termly and this is followed by progress meetings between Curriculum Managers and teachers, where a range of evidence is considered and the progress of each pupil or student is discussed in detail.  Progress meetings provide an opportunity for teachers to reflect on the progress made by pupils or students in their class and to decide on any further learning support, challenge or intervention needed. 

Throughout the school year there are several opportunities for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher, such as annual review meetings and parent consultation evenings.  We also use an online platform called Class Dojo so that parents, carers and teachers can keep in touch with one another regularly.  An annual report is created for each pupil and student which is sent home to parents and carers at the end of the summer term.  This is a fantastic way of summarising and celebrating the fantastic progress our pupils and students make, and a good time in the year to share lots of ‘wow moments’ with their families. 

We are very proud of all our pupils and students at Thomas Bewick School and it is a huge privilege to be able to witness their many achievements.  

Results TBS Summer 2022/23

Qualification Number of Pupils
ASDAN COPE (Level 1) 5
ASDAN Personal Progress Certificates (Entry Level 1) 5
ASDAN PSD Certificates (Entry Level 2) 5
ASDAN PSD Qualification Awards (Entry Level 2) 5
Functional Skills Maths Level 1 2
Entry Level Certificate Maths ELC2 4

Additionally 16 students have achieved modules towards the My Independence Qualification which is ongoing to 23/24.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Qualification Number of Pupils
Bronze 13
Silver 5