Thomas bewick school 21
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Ofsted Information

Ofsted Good GP Colour

Thomas Bewick was inspected by Ofsted on 19 and 20 September 2023 and were graded as a ‘Good’ provider of education. The report is extremely positive and reflects the ability of the school to maintain the highest standards of provision during a period of intense demand for places. In the report inspectors commented that “Pupils are nurtured.” They also observed that “Pupils enjoy coming to school. There are established routines that help them to feel safe.” 

The Inspectors also recognised that the staff team have “high aspirations for what pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can achieve, that “the curriculum is broad and ambitious” and “pupils benefit from bespoke learning and therapeutic experiences.” They also remarked “There is a strong focus on preparing pupils for adulthood and future careers.” 

Thomas Bewick School Ofsted Report 2023

Thomas Bewick School Performance Tables

Your views are very important to us, you can give your views about Thomas Bewick School here:

Ofsted Parent View Questionnaire